So, mmm, because I posted the translation of a Japanese song before (read here!), I thought I wanted to post some other lyrics I translated into English again. This time it’s an ost of a drama that I watched last Fall 2020. (And by the way, I eventually posted more reviews and translations, check here!)

The drama is called 姉ちゃんの恋人, Nee-chan no koibito, i.e. My sister’s lover. I love the drama because it gave out a warm feeling when I watched it. The story is about a big sister who has to take care of her three younger brothers since their parents died in an a car accident. The sister decided to not go to the college and chose to work in a department store instead. And then, this sister fell in love with a coworker from a different department.
I really love the positive attitudes that the 4 siblings display in this drama. What I mean w/ positive attitudes is, they ain’t bitter, not blaming God or anyone for taking their parents away when they were still young. They appreciate what they’ve got left. Caring for and understanding one another. Surviving together. I love how they persevered and looked towards the future while treasuring their past. It’s so sweet I really love it 🙂
MAJOR SPOILER: The coworker that the sister was in love with had a dark past. Well, actually not dark, because it was a misunderstanding. So he was jailed for punching people. He hit them because he wanted to save his fiancee since the guys were trying to rape her. But the girl testified that it was not the case, so he was considered drunk when harming those jerks. And hence he was jailed. He quit his job and after he served his punishment, he tried to restart his life by working at the department store, where he met the sister of the three brothers. Well, he was kinda scared of starting another romantic relationship, but the girl was quite aggressive I really love it ^^
Well, I won’t talk much about it because I think it’s better for you to see it for yourself. All I can say, it’s so sweet, cute, and heartwarming and I hope people can watch it too so they can feel warmed by the story too 🙂
And, well, I fell in love with the ost. I knew the song was from a while ago so maybe some people have already translated this song. But, because I wanted to hone my Japanese (I just need to practice it so I won’t lose it^^), I thought I could try to translate it myself. But, ugh, I tried to compare my translation to that of Google Translate and it wasn’t that different. Amazing how technology has been so advanced, isn’t it? I mean, the translation is not so bad. Or maybe it’s because my Japanese still sucks. Haha I don’t know, but, well, I think the song is beautiful. The lyrics are beautiful. You can see the translation below 🙂
Mr.Children ~「Brand new planet」
立ち止まったら そこで何か
Tachidomattara soko de nanika
If I had stopped, something there
Owatte shimau tte hashiri tsudzuketa
would have ended, so I kept running
でも歩道橋の上 きらめく星々は
Demo hodoukyou no ue kirameku hoshi wa
But the glistening stars on the pedestrian bridge
Uchuu no ooki-sa de sore wo waratteita
they laughed at it in the greatness of the universe
Shizuka ni houmurou to shita
I buried it quietly
Akogare wo kaihou shitai
I want to set free my yearning
Kiekake no kanousei wo mitsuke ni ikou
Let’s go find a vanishing possibility
Dokoka de mata mayou darou
We’ll get lost again somewhere, right?
Demo ima nara osoku wa nai
But it’s not too late now
新しい「欲しい」まで もうすぐ
Atarashii “hoshii” made mou sugu
Soon till (we have) a new thing we want
ねぇ 見えるかな
Nee mieru ka na
Hey, I wonder if you can see it
Tenmetsu shiteru akari wa ririku suru hikouki
The sparkling lights are from the planes taking off
Iron’na hito no inochi wo nosete
It carries the lives of various kinds of people
夢を乗せて 明日を乗せて
Yume wo nosete asu wo nosete
It carries the dream, it carries tomorrow
“Tooi machi de kurashitara
If I lived in a far town
Chigau boku ni aeru ka na?”
Would you see the different me?
Atama wo kasumeru genjitsu toohi
An escape from reality got in my head
さぁ 叫べ Les Paulよ
Saa sakebe Les Paul yo!
So I just scream (with the guitar), Les Paul!
Ijiketa shikou wo kudake
Breaking the cowering thoughts
新しい「欲しい」まで もうすぐ
Atarashii “hoshii” made mou sugu
Soon till (I have) a new thing I want
Sayonara wo tsugeru uta
A song signalling farewell
Kono yo ni sasage nagara
While holding up the world
Karamitsuku yuuutsu ni kisu wo shiyou
Let’s kiss the twisting melancholy
Dokoka de kitto matteru
It’s surely waiting (for me) somewhere
Sono hoshi ga boku wo matteru
That planet is waiting for me
Kono te de kaigoro shita
I killed it with this hand
Akogare wo kaihou shitai
I want to set free my yearning
Kiekake no kanousei wo mitsuke ni ikou
Let’s go find a vanishing possibility
Dokoka de mata mayou darou
We’ll get lost again somewhere, right?
Demo ima nara osoku wa nai
But it’s not too late now
新しい「欲しい」まで もうすぐ
Atarashii “hoshii” made mou sugu
Soon till (we have) a new thing we want
新しい「欲しい」まで もうすぐ
Atarashii “hoshii” made mou sugu
Soon till (we have) a new thing we want
Well, I haven’t covered this song, but please listen to the original singer/band below 🙂
Well, I think that’s all for today. See you 🙂