Lee Dong Wook: The Man of My Dream

One picture of Lee Dong Wook that I screenshot from his Instagram official account @leedongwook_official ❤ *It’s ok to screenshot and post it here, right? I hope 🙈✌

So, well, I know I’ve been talking about how much I love Lee Dong Wook (hence Wookie) but I haven’t posted about him properly here. Lee Dong Wook is a South Korean Actor. Actually I don’t think he’s that famous, though his fame rose as he played the Grim Reaper in Goblin, a Korean drama. Nevertheless, I’ve been in love with him long before that. I’m not sure why. I’m not sure when it started 🙈🙈🙈

Here is what I wrote about him back then when I was joining a giveaway contest held by one of the fanbase accounts. They wanted us to post our favorite picture of Wookie on Instagram, why we chose that picture, and how we knew or came to love Wookie. Well, I was so excited at that time. I was joining not for the sake of winning, but sharing. I really wish Wookie could read that and know how much he means to us, fans.

My post:

“1. Actually I couldn’t pick my fav pic because Wookie is already my fav so it goes without saying that all his pics are my fav. But ok, I love this one because it kinda shows me as if Wookie was trying to reach out to us and display “things he kept to himself only to make us fans happy and not worry bout him”. I see this pic as deep and kinda ‘mysterious’, but true and sincere (not to mention hot and irresistible 😁🙈😍).

The pic that I submitted back then. It’s taken from the official account 🙂

2. How I became a fan of Wookie and what I love about him? This is hard to answer. You know, when we love someone, we can never be sure when we first started loving him. All we know is just that person is dear to us. And you bet, we won’t know why for sure so we end up making up reasons to make it logic, for it to make sense, to legitimate the feelings we have. Handsome, awesome, gorgeous, kind, gentle, nice, sweet, humble, hardworking, professional, and all angelic characters will fit him, (especially when he’s shy, gosh, that’s cute and adorable!), but I know some people who have a different favorite person will mention the same things about the person they favor. So why Wookie? I first knew him from My Girl drama and I can’t say that I was instantly in love with him, probably because I was too young to know what love was. I think somehow the love grows as I grow fonder of him, each time I see him. When I see him smiling, for example, I subconsciously smile myself; it’s kinda ‘contagious’. Then I observed his other work like Perfect Couple, Wild Romance, Hotel King, Blade Man, etc till Goblin (I cannot mention all to save some space here, right? 🙈). I even watched Running Man when he became the guest, and I know I’m in love, I no longer care why. I can’t say I really know him since I haven’t lived with and talked face-to-face to him, but one thing, when I see him, it’s not like I’m seeing a celebrity, I’m seeing him as a real man, as a real guy. I mean, I know he is famous and all, but I feel like all those smiles and everything he shows are not for the sake of camera, it’s like it’s just him showing who the real him is; he’s not faking it. What I love about him: he’s being himself and that’s perfect. He still shows us that he’s tired but manages to control himself not to get mad when the fans become, say, agitating while demanding his attention. He understands what it takes to be a famous person and he seems so grateful to have us fans even though sometimes we might ask for too much. I haven’t seen him complain about a lot of work he has to do and he always looks at the bright and positive sides, and it really means a lot to me especially when I’m feeling down. Gosh, I think I’m getting emotional, but you see, I have tried to make this short, I just couldn’t make it shorter than this 🙈✌”

That was my post. I even sent an email to his V-live program hoping he would notice and read 😊

So why posting about Lee Dong Wook now?

One of my comments in LDW biggest fanbase account. I replied because the girl seemed to be upset with some fans’ reactions saying “it’s not like they are getting married DUH”.

Well, yesterday my friend shared this news with me: he’s dating Suzy, a South Korean idol. It was too shocking for me. It’s so unexpected. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not the type who doesn’t want their idol to get married or have a partner. I’m the type who’ll be happy to see their idol finally have a partner and live happily for that. I’ve been looking forward to seeing him Wookie with the girl of his life. I’ve been wondering who that lucky girl would be, how happy he would be, etc. I really wished he found the love of his life and lived happily with her. The thing is I don’t really favor his partner, Suzy. I don’t know why. I just have this hunch that she’ll hurt him. I’m sorry to Suzy’s fans. I know they might be hurt by what I say; that isn’t my intention. So, I apologize. I acknowledge that she’s beautiful, gorgeous, etc. (though I don’t really know her per se). I know that she’s the ex of Lee Min Ho. (Again, I don’t know why. I just don’t like him. Not that I hate him, ok? I don’t hate Suzy either). I’m not sure if it has to do with one of my rules: not dating the ex of my friends or someone I know. But, well, it’s complicated.

And I’ve been reading comments saying Lee Dong Wook was the third person in Suzy-Lee Min Ho relationship. What kind of slander is that?! How mean! And some say that it’s because Lee Dong Wook is good looking. Well, I appreciate the compliment, but Lee Dong Wook is more than just a look! I read some other bad comments about Suzy, too but it’s not really my concern. I’m sorry. I just can’t accept it when people talk bad about the man of my dream!

Besides, Suzy is still so young. Though I’m not against the age gap (13year difference!), somehow I think it’s going to be difficult for them to continue. Wookie is so mature and nice. He always tries to be cheerful and nice and make others happy. But I don’t know why I feel that somehow he’s kinda vulnerable. I don’t want to see him brokenhearted. Not by Suzy, not by anyone.

I know I’m being childish. Who am I to Lee Dong Wook anyway? I don’t know him in person either. I might be wrong. But I remember he wants a happy family with at least three kids. And at this point, with Suzy, I’m not sure how it can be realized. Somehow I see that a breakup will be inevitable. Well, I know a breakup is possible in any relationship; whoever Wookie marries, there will always be a possibility of a breakup. Even if he’s married, there’s a possibility of a divorce. But not’s not what I want. I don’t want the man of my dream to get hurt.

Our convo. Haha Yes, I love to be comprehensive so people understand the context. That’s why I don’t like people cutting and reacting before I finish. But she wishes everyone to be like me. Haha I’m honored but that I’m not really a good person. So it’s better to have better people actually ^^ (Still, I’m happy 😁)

So you see, it’s not about Wookie’s having a partner; it’s because the partner is someone who, I’m worried, will hurt him. If he dates Jang Nara or Ha Ji Won, or Yo In-Na, for instance, gosh, I’ll party hard for 7days and 7night to celebrate his happiness! I love Jang Nara; she’s so charming ❤And I love Ha Ji Won; she’s so cool 😍 And Yoo In-Na. Well, at first, I didn’t really like it when fans worshipped them. I didn’t want Wookie with her. But fans have been posting bout positive vibes among them. I find out that Yoo In-Na cares for her best friend, too. She’s so nice and I come to like her and be able to consent the two in case they date🙈 (I know, who am I right? He doesn’t need my approval to be happy. LoL) And, well, I don’t know I feel like Yoo In-Na actually likes my Wookie, so I imagine that if they date or get married, Wookie will be showered with lots of love and happiness. Hhe

But, anyway, some fans say that this news about Lee Dong Wook and Suzy dating seems fishy. Yes, both agents confirm that they are trying to get to know each other, but it doesn’t mean they are dating, right? Haha Some fans really know how to stay hopeful. LoL And some also think that this is all for promotion on Suzy’s new song/MV. I don’t know, because that’s not really my concern. My Wookie has never really talked about his private romantic love life, but Suzy, well you know. I just don’t want her to play with my man. And, please, no, don’t say that it could be that Lee Dong Wook is the one playing with her. NO, my man is not like that!

But, well, I’m glad that we, most of the fans, actually support it if this truly is true. We just want to hear it from Wookie, not the agency. I myself look forward to seeing them happy together. Because, if my Wookie is truly happy with her, I’ll definitely cheer him on and pray that their love will last forever and that they can make each other happy, and live happily after. (Though I’m still hoping that this dating news is not true. Haha) But, well, let’s see. I hope you really are happy, Wookie. I wish you all the bests 😊❤😊

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