
I might have a lot of identities: a daughter, a friend, a learner, a traveler, a lover, a teacher, a fan, etc, but above all, I want you to see me simply as a human. I am no different from everybody else. But that's what makes all the difference. That's because everybody is unique :)

Honesty in Learning

This week we had our first quizzes. On Tuesday, A-sensei (that’s the amazing teacher that signed my audit form) kept reminding us that we should do our quiz ourselves. We must not cheat. We must not copy our friends’, must not look at our friends’ answers, must not copy the homework as well. She repeatedly…

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Knowing someone in person

Have you ever known someone new in person and you feel comfortable or at least have no problem with him/her? You’re okay with him/her? Then some people tell you “bad things” bout him/her, from their past experience with him/her or what they heard from others. Then you’re worried that you’d face these bad sides of…

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